Bergul in festa


Sunday 27 from 11:00

Immersed in the evocative setting of the Colli Orientali del Friuli, at the LIS FADIS Winery in Spessa di Cividale, “Bergul in festa” will be held, with a visit of the company, a walk through the vineyards, along the paths of the elves and lunch.

In case of bad weather, the event will be postponed to Sunday 3 June

MENU: stewed boar with uncooked corn polenta, accompanied by a bottle of our red Bergul, fruit tart with organic jam from the company and coffee.

COST OF THE EVENT: for 2 people € 50

INVITATION OPEN TO ALL, by reservation on 20/05

FOR RESERVATIONS: tel. 0432 719510 – 335 5414416


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